Tim Seibles was born in Philadelphia in 1955. He has received fellowships from both the Provincetown Fine Arts Center and The National Endowment for the Arts. His collection, Fast Animal was a finalist for the 2012 National Book Award and winner of the Theodore Roethke Memorial Prize for Poetry. His poems have appeared in numerous literary journals including Beloit Poetry Journal, Black Renaissance Noire, Rattle, Shenandoah, Callaloo, New Letters, Poetry, and The Massachusetts Review. He spent a year as Poet in Residence at Bucknell University and he recently completed a two-year stint as Poet Laureate of Virginia.
A former a former faculty member of Old Dominion University’s English Department and MFA in Creative Writing Program, Tim lives in Norfolk, Virginia, where he continues to teach for the Muse Community Writing Center. He has also led workshops for Cave Canem, The Writers Hotel, the Minnesota Northwoods Writers Conference, and the Palm Beach Poetry Festival.
A thoroughly engaged ambassador for poetry, he presents his work nationally and internationally at universities, high schools, cultural centers and literary festivals. He has been a featured author in the Vancouver International Writers Festival in Vancouver Canada, in the Calabash Festival in Treasure Beach, Jamaica, and in the Poesia en Voz Alta Festival in Mexico City.
Tim Seibles is the author of eight previous books of poetry.