1 Introduction
i. How we came to desire a job we could love
ii. How alone we are on our search
2 Obstacles to Having Goals
i. The ‘vocation myth’
ii. The vagueness of our minds
3 The Pleasure Points of Work
i. Identifying what you love
ii. The anti-fixation move
iii. The output/input confusion
iv. What is a job like?
4 Obstacles and Inhibitions
i. Family work templates
ii. Fixing parents
iii. The dangers of success
iv. Confidence and inner voices
v. The ‘perfectionism trap’
vi. The duty trap
vii. The impostor syndrome
viii. The job investment trap
ix. If it were a good idea, I wouldn’t be the one to have it
x. Evolution not revolution
xi. The energising force of death
5 Consolations
i. Happiness and expectations
ii. Self-compassion
iii. Why no single job can ever be enough
iv. Falling in love again
v. Good enough work