Table of Contents
Preface to the Documentary Trilogy on US Trotskyism
1 Introduction: Left Opposition in the United States
Paul Le Blanc
2 Communist League of America
Bryan Palmer
1 James P. Cannon, Martin Abern and Max Shachtman, "For the Russian Opposition! Against Opportunism and Bureaucracy in the Worker's Communist Party of America! A Statement to American Communists"
2 Antoinette Konikow and Others, "What is Wrong with the Communist Party?"
3 Leon Trotsky, "Tasks of the American Opposition"
4 Maurice Spector, "The Cult of the &'Third Period'"
5 Arne Swabeck, "United Front on Unemployment"
6 James P. Cannon, "The Red Army Sings the International Sometimes …"
7 Max Shachtman, "The Knife is at Their Throat"
8 Joseph Carter, "Unite to Smash Fascism!"
9 National Committee, CLA, "For a New Party and a New International"
3 Building Revolutionary Forces
Paul Le Blanc
1 A.J. Muste, "The Workers Party is Founded"
2 James P. Cannon, Letter to Ruth Querio
3 Max Shachtman, "Marxist Politics or Unprincipled Combinationism?"
4 Editorial, "Workers Party Calls All Revolutionary Workers to Join Socialist Party"
5 Editorial, "The Crisis in the Party"
4 Founding the Socialist Workers Party
Thomas Bias
1 James P. Cannon, "The New Party is Founded"
2 "Declaration of Principles"
3 J.P. Cannon and Max Shachtman, "Internal Situation and the Character of the Party"
4 Constitution of the Socialist Workers Party, Declaration of Principles and Constitution of the Socialist Workers Party
5 Labour Struggles
Bryan Palmer
1 Editorial, "The End of the New York Hotel Strike"
2 James P. Cannon, "Minneapolis and Its Meaning"
3 A.J. Muste, "Labor Marshalls Forces for Banner May Day"
4 Arne Swabeck, "Roosevelt Steals Labor Party Thunder"
5 James P. Cannon, "Deeper into the Unions"
6 B.J. Widick, "Labor Unity: A New Stage"
7 Farrell Dobbs, "The Unions and Politics"
8 Leon Trotsky et al., "If You are Afraid, You Lose Your Independence"
6 &'The Negro Question'
Thomas Bias
1 The Militant, 1929, "Work Among Negroes"
2 James P. Cannon, "Trifling with the Negro Question"
3 Hugo Oehler, "The Negro and Class Struggle"
4 Negro Question in America - Discussions with Trotsky, Swabeck
5 John G. Wright (Joseph Vanzler), "Shifts on the Negro Question"
6 J.R. Johnson (C.L.R. James), "Preliminary Notes on the Negro Question"
7 SWP Resolution, 1939, "Self-Determination and the Negro in the US"
8 J.R. Johnson (C.L.R. James), "The Destiny of the Negro"
9 SWP Resolution, 1939, "The SWP and Negro Work"
7 Confronting Stalinism
Andrew Pollack
1 James P. Cannon, "At the Sixth World Congress"
2 James P. Cannon, "Dog Days of the Left Opposition"
3 Arne Swabeck, "Decay of the Stalinist Party"
4 Albert Goldman, "Communists Play Follow the Leader"
5 Editorial, "The Dewey Commission"
6 Max Shachtman, "Revolution and Counter-revolution in Russia"
8 Political Complications
Paul Le Blanc
1 Max Shachtman, "A Footnote for Historians"
2 Max Shachtman and James Burnham, "The Intellectuals in Retreat"
9 Ruptures, 1939-40
Andrew Pollack
1 James P. Cannon, "The Struggle for a Proletarian Party"
2 Max Shachtman, James Burnham, Martin Abern, "The War and Bureaucratic Conservatism"
3 James P. Cannon, Speech on the Russian Question
4 Leon Trotsky, "From a Scratch to the Danger of Gangrene"
5 Leon Trotsky, "Open Letter to James Burnham"
6 James Burnham, "Science and Style"
7 Resolutions of the SWP Convention, 1940
8 Post-convention Reports and Decisions
9 James Burnham, Exit Letter
10 Holding the Line: Smith Act Trial
Bryan Palmer
1 Farrell Dobbs, "The FBI and the Unions"
2 George Novack, "Witch Hunt in Minnesota"
3 William F. Warde (George Novack), "Capitalist Frame-Up: 1941 Model"
4 James P. Cannon, "Socialism on Trial"
5 Grandzio Munis, "A Criticism of the Minneapolis Trials"
6 James P. Cannon, "Defense Policy in the Minneapolis Trial"
7 Albert Goldman, "Farewell Statement"
11 History and Theory
Paul Le Blanc
1 Felix Morrow, "The Spirit of the US Constitution"
2 George Novack, "Marx and Engels on the Civil War"
3 Albert Goldman, "What is Socialism?" (Lecture 2)
4 Max Shachtman, "Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg"
5 J.R. Johnson (C.L.R. James), "Revolution and the Negro"
6 William F. Warde (George Novack), "The Right of Revolution"