Ann Pedone is the author of the chapbooks The Bird Happened (Leave Books), perhaps there is a sky we don’t know: a re-imagining of sappho. (Cup and Dagger Press), DREAM/WORK, and Everywhere You Put Your Mouth (Halas Press.) Her work has appeared in numerous journals including American Journal of Poetry, Narrative Magazine, Juked, Carve Magazine, Abralemin, JuxtaProse, and Menacing Hedge. Ann has a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Bard College, and a Master’s in Chinese Language and Literature from UC Berkeley.
Katherine Soniat’s life has moved around a lot in the last few years: trying hard to find the RIGHT HOME, and why not be most concerned about our planet EARTH? Starfish Washup will be her ninth collection of poetry, to be published in Spring, 2023. The Swing Girl (LSU Press, 2011), Bright Stranger (LSU Press). Polishing the Glass Storm will be available through Louisiana State University Press in fall, 2022. The Goodbye Animals won the Turtle Island Chapbook Award (2014). She has been on the faculty at Hollins University and Virginia Tech, and has taught in the Great Smokies Writing Program at UNC/Asheville. Her poetry has appeared in Hotel Amerika, Poetry, Iowa Review, The Nation, Women's Review of Books, and Superstition Review, among others.
D. M. Spitzer is author of A Heaven Wrought of Iron: Poems from the Odyssey (Etruscan 2016), abyss of departures, an image|text collaboration with digital artist SaraShiva Spitzer (Hawai’i Review, 2020), and editor of the volume Philosophy’s Treason: Studies in Philosophy and Translation (Vernon Press, 2020). Spitzer’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in journals such as Research in Phenomenology, Epoché, Diacritics, Ancient Philosophy, Mosaic, and Translation Review, while his poetry and translations have been published in Ancient Exchanges, The Maine Review, North American Review, TRANSverse, and elsewhere. Currently, Dr. Spitzer is co-editing a volume in Translation Studies and editing another collection of essays on ancient Greek philosophy (both under contract with Routledge). In addition, Spitzer is writing a book on the ways migration and trauma shaped the thinking of the earliest Greek philosophers, as well as working on a translation of only the similes from the ancient Greek epic The Iliad.