This printing of Men and Rubber: The Story of Business by Harvey S. Firestone is part of the Farnam Street Timeless Classics Series, where we continue with our goal of 'mastering the best of what other people have figured out.'
This is one of the books I give away the most.
I The Labour of Thinking
II Swapping Horses and Ideas
III Wild Rose Lotion
IV Starting the Company
V The First Profits
VI Starting in the Pneumatic Tire Business
VII The Development of the Industry
VIII Management and Frills
IX Is it Necessary? Can it be Simplified?
X The Human Relation
XI Some Things We Have Learned about Selling
XII Taking the Bunk out of Sales
XIII Camping with Edison, Ford, and Burroughs
XIV Camping Through the Smoky Mountains and the Shenandoah Valley
XV More Camping, some Business Philosophy, and Two Presidents
XVI Between Failure and Success
XVII America Should Produce its Own Rubber
XVIII Why I am in Business