1. Is it okay to want them to change?
2. Are we just too different?
3. Can people change?
4. Is it worth breaking up over sex?
5. What about the children?
6. Have we tried everything?
7. What if I end up lonely?
8. What if I just repeat the same mistakes?
9. Can I cope practically?
10. Who is rejecting whom?
11. Why do I continue to feel so stuck?
12. Why are they so puzzling?
13. What can you tell me to make me less scared of leaving?
14. Does it have to be a tragedy?
15. But I don’t find them awful!
16. Do I have permission to do this?
17. Are my expectations too high?
18. How can I tell them?
19. How come they seem so lovely right now?
20. Why do I feel so nostalgic?
21. Is it okay to compromise?
22. How do I find closure?
23. Are there alternatives to staying or leaving?
24. Am I making a terrible mistake?