A Note from the Editor
Part 1: Translations
Auspicious Signs (Mangala Sutta)
Jewels (Ratana Sutta)
Outside the Walls (Tirokuḍḍa Sutta)
The Buried Treasure (Nidhikaṇḍha Sutta)
Loving Kindness (Karaṇīya Mettā Sutta)
Salutation to the Three Jewels (Tiratana Vandanā)
Part 2: Commentaries
Living with Awareness
Living with Kindness
Living Beautifully (Dhammapada Chapter 9)
Auspicious Signs (Mangala Sutta)
Salutation to the Three Jewels (Tiratana Vandanā)
The Threefold Refuge
Notes and References
A Guide to The Complete Works of Sangharakshita