Sergio Chejfec was a fiction writer and essayist born in Argentina. Between 1990 and 2005 he lived in Caracas. He was writer in Residence in the M.F.A. Creative Writing program in Spanish at New York at the time of his death. His books include: Modo linterna (short fiction, 2013), La experiencia dramática (novel, 2012), Sobre Giannuzzi (essay, 2010), Mis dos mundos (novel, 2008), Baroni, un viaje (novel, 2007). He writes about memory, the idea of experience and urban perambulation. He has published various essays and short stories in diverse anthologies and collections. He has been translated into English, French, German, Turkish and Hebrew. He was a recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Resident of the Civitella Ranieri Foundation.
Jeffrey Lawrence is Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Rutgers University, where he teaches modern U.S. and Latin American literature and culture. He is the author of Anxieties of Experience: The Literatures of the Americas from Whitman to Bolaño (Oxford, 2018) and the translator of Andrés Neuman’s How to Travel Without Seeing: Dispatches from the New Latin America (Restless Books, 2016). His work has appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books , Public Books , Words Without Borders ,BOMB Magazine and The Puerto Rico Review as well as in numerous academic journals.