Seeds and Crumbs
Ask about Language As If It Forgets
Naming Assembles You
“Language Points”
Autonomous Song
We Run on Trash Grass
The Flying Motorist Artist
Red She Broke the Cup
Netting (Language Ghost)
Napalm Notes
Learning the Đàn Bầu
Diệp Before Completion
Less Than Slash Three
Tryouts for the Flying Motorist Artist Team, 1958
German Tightrope Acrobat Group Paid a Visit to the Vietnamese Hùng Việt Female Flying Motorist Artist Group
Tones in the Vietnamese Language
Mud Matrix
Why This Haunted Middle and Door Hung with Haunted Girl Bones
from Vogue Magazine 1970
Sing Ding (Ghostly)
Vietnam Ghost Story: High School Clock Tower
Revenge Poem
Red Shoes Girl Song
from On “New Music” (Tân Nhạc): Notes Toward a Social History of Vietnamese Music in the Twentieth Century
Crow Pheasant
Exercise 14
Oxbow Lake
Mother’s River Moon (Traveling with the Traveling Circus, Lower Mekong, 1959)
Notes on Operation Hades
Warm Rain
Feast of the First Morning of the First Day
Last Letter
Durian Sonnet
Dang You Then a Dang
Unrelated Future Tense