Table of Contents—these are the 30 Rights:
The Right to Protection and Promotion of Mind
#1. To civic/political leadership
#2. To education—secular
#3. To career pursuit
#4. To freedom of speech and expression
#5. To testimony and witness
The Right to Your Religion
#6. To fulfill being a trustee (Khalifa) of God on earth
#7. To religious and spiritual leadership
#8. To be jurists and interpreters of Islamic texts
#9. To gain spiritual knowledge
#10. To access religious spaces
The Right to Your Family
#11. To marriage
#12. To be free of forced marriage
#13. To maturely choose marriage
#14. To accept or refuse a polygamous marriage
#15. To divorce
#16. To family planning and reproductive justice
#17. To care for orphans through adoption
#18. To motherhood and womanhood
The Right to Wealth
#19. To inheritance
#20. To financial independence and equal pay
#21. To own property
#22. To freedom of movement
#23. To expression of modesty
#24. To freedom from domestic violence
#25. To safeguarding against female genital mutilation
#26. To protection from rape, sexual assault, and adultery
#27. To safeguarding against child and human trafficking
#28. To good health and hygiene
The Right to Your Dignity
#29. To freedom from gossip, slander, libel, defamation, and to privacy
#30. To be safeguarded against “honor” and targeted killings