The short stories in Brian Coughlan’s Don’t Mind Me dig deep into what it means to live in an increasingly connected, but isolated modern world that demands far more than we can possibly hope to provide.
A couple with financial problems encounter an over-bearing madam in her hell-hole bed & breakfast; an aged wastrel must travel across the country to the aid of his ailing guardian angel; a hurrying man falls inexplicably and is forced to confront the fragility of his body and the choices that were made for him. What begins as tragedy trips into farce, the realistic somehow turns mystical, and viewed through a prism of irony these delightfully off kilter stories offer surprising, often skewed and witfully unsettling impressions. Don’t Mind Me is a collection that follows no rules and leaves no tracks.
A Nasty Fall 3
Keys Cut While You Wait 12
The Instrument 22
Ladder 32
Don’t Mind Me 36
Obituary 47
Lucidity and the Art of Mime 52
Deadbeats 62
Tug of War 79
A Beginners Guide to Taxidermy 88
Motorcycle Man 93
Pilloried 103
Lie Down Please 112
Ceremony 121